Beautiful in My Eyes

Monday, July 16, 2012

No Matter What Anyone Else Thinks . . .

No matter what everyone else thinks . . .

Every good thing I do or say,
Every unspoken dream, thought or aspiration,
Every tear I cry, whether from sadness or joy,
Every hope, fear, weakness, strength,
Everything about me,
Maybe not to the world, but that is okay.
I matter to those who matter most to me.
And that is all I can ask, because that is everything, and it is enough.

Event Reminder
Summer Signing Event

July 17, 2012 from 11-2 pm.
Lakeview Hospital
630 East Medical Dr.
Bountiful, UT
(Enter at emergency room entrance)
Come out and help us celebrate the beauty of women!


  1. True beauty comes from those whose kindness is tangible. You know the ones who genuinely care for others and light up a room with a smile. Those who create an atmosphere where others can feel loved are truly the most beautiful.
